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Having an attractive body is important, but having a functional body is key to maintaining health throughout life.​

"Sattva" means balance, in order to be truly healthy we need to bring balance not only to our body, but also to our mind and spirit. This is why we offer diverse services to address all those aspects


Postural Assessments and creation of Tailored Training Programs


Paul Chek defines posture in the following manner: "Posture is the position from which movement begins and ends".


Before we create a program we need to find out which muscles need to be strengthened and which muscles need to be stretched so a thorough assessment is done. Based on our findings and on our clients goals a tailored exercise program is created. 

Metabolic Typing


Everybody is different. Just as we don't all have the same muscle imbalances, nutritional needs vary tremendously from one person to another. Metabolic typing is the art of finding out what specific nutrients make your unique metabolism work optimally.

Access to our Interactive Training System: PtEnhance


By joining Sattva Training Centre you will be able to benefit from our interactive training system, allowing instant communication with your trainer, access to a training program that evolves according to your progress as well as access to videos and detailed explanations of the exercises composing your program.

Private or Semi-Private Training Sessions


Once we have designed a program for you, you can choose whether you want to do private or semi-private training sessions with us. We offer several packages from a month to a year membership. That way:

- you will never have to train alone,

- it will be easier to stay motivated,

- your program will evolves as you progress

- and you will never have to worry about your form anymore since your trainer will always be there to correct you.


Holistic Lifestyle Coaching


Exercise is one aspect of health but if your lifestyle isn't balanced, working out won't get you the best results. At Sattva Training Centre we also address issues such as:

- What you eat / When you eat

- Stress

- Sleep and wake cycles

- Digestion

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